Thursday, April 21, 2005

Dance to the Radio Review

Dance to The Radio - Various Artists

I must admit sometimes it can be a nightmare reviewing compilation CDs, in particular if you are un-aware of most / all of the artists on it, it can be very easy to fall into the trap of thinking easily, they are all nobodies / hopefuls that are going nowhere.

Thankfully "Dance to The Radio", a new label from Leeds seem to have taken a very different approach to things, although in most cases on this 18 track various artists CD
Sticking to acts that are certainly within the Indie Rock scope, I certainly found some gems on it certainly that are worth investigating in particular the excellent recently interviewed "This Etal" who for this review have submitted one of their
Very best tunes "Catscan" which is almost worth the price of admission alone.

Other tracks of course depends on your other personal musical tastes of course, I must admit there was several tracks on the CD which didn't do much for me, but I know a number of other people who enjoyed for example a number of the artists
In particular the brash "The Luicida Console".

On a personal level for me, other tracks which caught my eye on this compilation CD include "Robochrist" with their version of techno trash which nearly caught me out the first time I heard and the graceful guitar / string led "Napoleon Ilrd which despite the fact it has a title like "You Destroy Music" certainly does nothing of the fact, despite the band's best intentions and the Nick Cave / Tindersticks "The Somatics" who include a yearning 8 minute plus track which builds up the tension
To such a degree it is almost impossible to pull away from the track.

I must admit, this is a CD that will vary owning to your own personal musical tastes, I think I actually enjoyed about half of the CD, but like I said before for every track which I didn't like, I know several people who enjoyed the tracks I didn't.

Either way, this is a CD which is full of young (I guess), hungry bands and artists - all of which are crying out for your attention and if it is a alternative between listening to this and most of the crap that exists in the top 40, I certainly know what I would listen to.


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