Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Mercurine (Album Review)

Album Review

Mercurine –
Waiting for another Fall
(Heats on Sticks)

To say this album came as a bit of a surprise is a bit of a understatement.

As regular visitors to "Setting Sun" will notice I interviewed Merurine orginally back in 2003 in relation to their "Music is Chemical" album which for a better word was a great mixture of almost Depeche Mode meets Evanscence, so when I put the new CD into my CD player I was expecting perhaps something similar.

....... Which couldn't be further away from the truth here

While on the new album, the synths are still in place, here they are much, much darker (aside from the first track “The Wish and the finale “Another Ending” – both of which seem like a prelude and a ending to the album and the darkness that exists in the middle off it) and backed up nicely by a increased use of live drumming, which allows Bryon and Mera to play around with distorted keyboards and Mera's vocals which on the first album sung almost like an angel, which now used to completely different effect and be it for a better word now sounds like more than the devil whispering, speaking and singing sometimes in the same breathe.

Take for example the second track “Bluemouse” – there is a real edge in this track that is far removed from the first album “Music is Chemical” and kind of reminds me of Curve in the way Toni Halliday from Curve sings vocals that are sometimes mixed low enough to make you listen to over and over to grasp the full meaning.

Used over and over on most of the tracks in the album, it gives you the sound much more of a album recorded pretty well recorded live (which is interesting as I know the band have certainly been playing more and more gigs since the 1st album) and a band that shows a band that is growing more and more comfortable with the technology they are using and not waiting for another fall…

Good stuff…


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