Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Caroline Martin (Album Review)

Album Review

Caroline Martin
I had a hundred more reasons to stay by the fire
(Small dog Records – SDRCD02)

I just like this.

I just like the whispering almost P.J Harvey tones on this largely stripped down semi acoustic style album.

I just like this.

I just like the way the songs seem to work and develop at it's own pace, sometimes lasting under a minute - often going on for much, much more.

But that isn't just it, if you listen to the album more and more, you cannot but not be impressed by the literacy tones adapted within the song on songs like "my daddy's shotgun" or "Monn" - these are not just as much songs, but often stories rather than just songs so by the time the song have finished, you can almost seem some of the characters / people that are interplayed within the song.

Written and mostly recorded by just England’s Caroline Martin, her music is ideal for a cold, dark night looking out of your window and looking into the wilderness of the dark sky.

These are songs which are mostly songs which I think you have to be in the mood for, but that alone is not a bad thing as to listen to Caroline's album and songs it demands you listen to rather than just let it fade gently into the background.

Even on songs like "I die 2" which are clearly more personal based songs, the very way the song is written seems different from a lot of albums you hear just by the thought that clearly goes to the way the lyrics are expressed.

It is an album that demands to be listened not just played.

Powerful stuff indeed.


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