Saturday, February 26, 2005

Japhy Ryder Interview

Hi there, How are you all? Just a short note here today to let you all know that another new interview has appeared on “Setting Sun” – this time by the excellent “Japhy Ryder” – Check it out on

I am also due in any day now the new interview by “The Swear” – I will be aiming to get that up online as quick as I can..

I am also in the process as we speak of typing up a whole host of album reviews and one concert review – Most of these have been in the back of my thoughts for a few weeks now – it has just taken time to get them out of my head and onto a piece of paper, but I have got there eventually as I always say…

Once I get these out of the way, I intend then to sit down and get one or two new pieces of poetry up-loaded as it has been ages since I posted anything new on my website and I do have one or two pieces that I think warrant publishing for your eyes.

In the meantime, hope you are well…

Love n light

Andy n xx


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