Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Setting Sun News

Dear all;

As with the way life goes at ‘Setting Sun’ – despite the fact there may or may not have been a great deal going on in front of the scenes at ‘Setting Sun’ – it has been pretty madness behind the scenes…

First over my net label, Hicc Records – which I set up fairly recently to make online some of my archive of albums has recently released my ambient album of chilled out dance music ‘Seven Ages’ and also the third EP / mini album (recorded back in 2002) by DIH (think Jack Keourac jamming with The Aphex Twin) called ‘Forever’ as well the first DIH and friends at Christmas series from 2002 (2003, 2004 and 2005 will all be uploaded before Christmas) All of these can be tracked down at


Hicc Records is also open to other suggestions about featuring other artists that I do not play with – contact me if you fancy it and we’ll sort something out… I could attempt to put any tracks up myself or if I haven’t got time – I could even send the direct link to do yourself (It is run through a ftp – so it is slow)

I have recently hosted the first few tracks on there by August, which is Lil Andy (Voice of M.A.N.)’s other band which is a nice, tuneful acoustic type pop thing which is in complete contrast to a lot of my own stuff, but hey it is good stuff so I don’t mind..

I have also recently released through Halo Excentrico – an EP by my Drone project ‘Distance’ (who have recently released two full length albums) an 30 minute EP of tracks which were designed for a on-line project called ‘The World’s largest noise track’ which some guys decided to create the world’s longest noise track…. I know one or two guys submitted some tracks (including myself) but I have heard the project has now fallen through sadly, but such was the quality of the tracks I thought they were too good not to do anything with them. They are a little different from both Distance’s first album ‘Distance’ and ‘Distance II’ and perhaps of more of a hint towards the third Distance album ‘Black’ which will be released next year.

Also recently uploaded on Hallo – is the first full length album by DIH ‘Internal Conflict’ which was finished originally back in 2004. Following on from 2002’s third EP / album ‘Forever’ – ‘Internal Conflict’ shows the band perhaps releasing the band their most hard hitting album to date contrasting the lo fi harshness of ‘Forever’ with washes of ambient to produce an album that although is darker and sinister than ‘Forever’ also carries hope in tracks like ‘Laura, it was really nothing’ and ‘Just a tear away’ with a John Cage kind of silence which was then developed further on DIH’s latest album ‘Suicide (I meant forever)’ – which will released before the end of summer probably on either Hicc Records OR Hallo…

Both DIH’s ‘Internal Conflict’ and Distance ‘TWLN’ tracks can BOTH be downloaded free at:


On a different note with ‘Setting Sun’ – I have recently had some poetry published on a website called ‘Poetry Soul to Soul’

Soul to Soul as it describes itself is ‘ ….. is a literary journal presenting around 25 poets who update their pages periodically. ‘

The website itself can be found on here -


They have published six of my poems (including two brand new ones un-published elsewhere – ‘Taya’ and ‘ I believe’)

My page there can be found on


Lastly, directly on ‘Setting Sun’ – there has been a number of new interviews recently published on there – the newest two being Germany’s ‘All Sides’ aka Nina who has a EP forthcoming on Make Music Mine records, whose music I know really described to Nina as a cross between Make Music Mine’s very own ‘July Skies’ and ‘August Stars’ with sweet but thoughtful drone based music which has a simpleness which is incredibly charming to behold.

Also published recently in the interviews section of ‘Setting Sun’ is a interview by
Vlor, which is a new project by Brian Mitchell head off ‘Silbermedia’ and also the creator of the lovely drone rock project ‘Remora’.

Vlor according to notes Brian sent me is a very different project where Brian in 2005 started re-issuing Vlor material, he thought of re-building the Vlor again and using it its basis as friendship as the centre off it inviting a variety of friends such as long term Setting Sun favourite Jessica Bailiff (who Setting Sun has interviewed twice as Jessica Bailiff and Clear Horizon which also features Dave Pearce from Flying Saucer Attack) along members fro Aarkica, Lycoa, Rivulets Red Morning Chorus all of which added various layers to the songs they performed on.

Both of these interviews along-side lots of other interviews (Over 50 now incredibly!) on the interviews page on http://www.geocities.com/aen1mpo

Also it is worth of note I have now revised the music / mp3 page on ‘Setting Sun’ which is now split into 3 separte sections – CD’s that you can purchase from me, other releases from me and related acts which are available on other websites (Some of which are available on other websites) and forthcoming projects..

In relation to forthcoming projects, I am currently halfway through a private release for my partner’s in DIH, Keith and UK for their wedding – A DIH and friends – Wedding EP which may or may not get released (We will see) but I have being piecing together tracks for a possible Sleeplessness release and the M.A.N. Narnia remixes album is looking better and better as there is currently certainly an album’s worth of remixes to go on and I am currently waiting for remixes from a few other people…

Hope you are all well




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