Dear all;
Something I posted on my page on
Thought it would be fun to post it here..
(001) Your gender: Andy N
(002) Straight/gay/bi?: straight
(003) Single?: very
(004) Want to be?: Don’t really think about it – Just tend to get on with things..
(005) Age?: 33 yrs and almost 11 months
(006) Age you wish you were: Never really think about it.
WHAT HAPPENED TO 7 AND 8?????????????
(009) The color of your eyes: Hazel
(010) Piercings: None
(012) Tattoos: None DO YOU...
(013) Smoke: Nope
(015) Read the newspaper: When I get chance – usually the Daily Mirror and the local Manchester Evening News
(017) Talk to strangers who IM you: Not usually.
(018) Take walks in the rain? Yep.. Doing it in snow is more fun.. Did that in Marple the other Saturday evening and it was amazing.
(019) Drive: Nope.
(020) Like to drive fast?: Used to have a pal who used to drive stupid speeds and I don’t like it – so No (even though I don’t drive)
(021) Hurt yourself: Tripped over round Manchester and cut my right wrist right open a few weeks and it still hasn’t healed back – so Yes…
(022) Been out of the country: Last time – Cyprus November 2005. Hoping for Milian later this year..
(023) Been in love: Yes.
(024) Done drugs: Yes – When I was 16 or 17.. Learned from my mistakes quite quickly there… (025) Gone skinny dipping? No – lol – Wouldn’t have the guts…
(026) Had a surgery: Depends.. Have had a couple of operations – Worse one a eye straightening operation when I was 18 – Hurt like f**k..
(027) Ran away from home: I think I may have done when I was very, very little.. But it was so long ago I can’t remember to be honest…
(028) Played strip poker: Nobody of my friends will play me at cards in particular as I cheat (badly with lots of drink down me – lol) so Nope.
(029) Gotten beat up: I was 6 foot tall by the time I got to 12, so I never really had any problems apart from getting thumped badly a couple of times when at YTS when I was 16, but that’s another story…
(031) Gotten on stage: Done all sorts of things – Depends on how drunk I was depends on how good it was..
(032) Slept outdoors: God, now that’s an story – don’t mind admitting to this – Back when I was 16 or 17 I went camping with a number of pals, one of my pals went and picked out a field for us… Unknown to us a bull slept in that field also and it found us at 3am in the morning – I never ran so f**king fast in my life..
(034) Pulled an all-nighter: Not quite sure what this means so I’ll pass…
(036) Talked on the phone all night: I talk a lot but I ain’t that good…
(038) Slept all day: Have done one or two all night parties over the years, including one in Brazil in 1995 when I was at a party which went on for 48 hours, so I’ll let you guess how good I slept the following day..
(039) Killed someone: No – Thought about it when I was 16 (YTS) but I am over that now – lol…
(040) Made out with a stranger: (Blushing) – No comment!
(041) Had sex with a stranger?: (Blushing) – No..
(042) Kissed the same sex: Yes.
(043) Done anything sexual with the same sex: No
(044) Been betrayed: Yes.
(045) Broken the law: No comment… (lol)
(047) Been on radio/tv: Radio – No.. TV – Now that is another story…
(048) Been in a mosh-pit: Yes – I used to go to Rockworld and used to go to a number of rock gigs – so Yes and Yes, my neck is aching thinking about that still…
(049) Had a nervous breakdown: Twice… Horrible thing to go through – Would not recommend it to my worst enemy..
(050) Been criticized about your sexual performance: Not I am aware off..
(051) Had a dream that kept coming back: Flying from White Cliffs in Brighton..
(052) Favorite shoe brand?: Clarks (I am a man so useless there)
(053) Favorite music: Christ, where do I start – I listen to all sorts of things literally…
(054) Wear hats: Not recently..
(055) Judged other people by their clothing: Not really – I judge them by their body language. (057) Are you trendy: More of a nut-case.
(058) Life on other planets: Yes.
(059) Miracles: Yes. I am one of them (long story).
(060) Astrology: the good stuff....yes
(061) Magic: Yes, although not Paul Daniels.
(062) God: Un-decided.
(063) Love: Love is in everywhere you see..
(064) Ghosts: Know a few true life stories about them but I’ll come back to them another day. (065) Rebirth: Yes.
(066) Love at first sight: Is that Lust? Am undecided..
(067) Ying and Yang: No.
(068) Witches: My nephew’s grand-dad was one of the biggest Warlocks in Cheshire… I have seen pictures of his funeral, so certainly yes..
(069) Easter bunny: Cool – lol…
(070) Do you remember your first love: Yes – Kirsty.. Back when I was 15..
(071) Do you consider love a mistake: Once I may have but not now..
(072) What do you find romantic: A beautiful smile..
(074) Turn-off: Lies.
(075) Do you base your judgement on looks alone: No. I judge each case differently.
(076) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone and physically unattracted?: Crap! (Trying to remember) – No.
(077) What is best about the opposite sex?: A beautiful smile…
(078) Whats the last present someone got you?: A DVD..
(079) Do you like someone?: Not going to say (Blushing)
(080) That you laughed at: at or with? A good joke I heard last night..
(082) That turned you on: Pass.
(083) You went shopping with: Usually I go shopping alone – I get more done that way…
(084) To disappoint you: Meal I had a few weeks I went out for with brother – Upset both of our stomachs..
(085) To make you cry: Losing job after being promised the world when I joined it – Remember everybody – always listen careful when you are promised the world..
(086) To brighten up your day: A beautiful burst of sun-shine.
(087) You saw a movie with: Brother and two friends. V for Vendetta – it was excellent..
(088) You talked to on the phone: My brother – asking him where he was to meet going swimming.
(090) You talked to on text message: My friend, Helen who lives in Milian..
091) Your best friend: Probably my brother.
(092) Smiled: Never stop.
(093) laughed: At some muck up during a live concert I had downloaded off the net..
(094) Cried: No comment.
(095) Bought something: A can of diet coke about 6.00pm on way home.
(096) Danced: Don’t believe in it.. (Sorry)
(097) Sleepover: Brighton in Feb…
(098) Listened to music: Listening to red House Painters – downloaded this off the net the other night – a hushed song called ‘Waterfall’…
(099) Who is your crush: Ha! And you think I would tell!
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