Thursday, September 07, 2006

Robots with Electric Brains

Dear all;
Don’t you know if any of you read a zine called Robots with Electronic Brains ( a long standing electronical / weird bits and pieces fanzine that has proved a massive influence on ‘Setting Sun’ – my own webzine ( over the years by the simple factor it covers and explores all kinds of sometimes un-usual and in some cases downright weird music and has resulted in a number of acts being interviewed for ‘Setting Sun’ over the past few years namely Everygreen Days, Guitare Brothers, Horowtiz, Japhy Ryder and Trilemma to name but a few.
Anyway, I received issue 16 of the fanzine only the other day and Jimmy – it’s editor / chief hack etc had pubished a little thought I had wrote for the celeberation of the 10th year of Robots and Electronic Brains.

I will be creating a journalism section for the writings side of my fanzine as I have wrote a number of articles over the years and it will be cool to include them as examples of my style of factual writings but in the meantime, here is my extract which I wrote for the magazine
‘When I first tried saying what Robots means to me I wrote a long answer about how I felt it championed the underground in a way that the mainstream press didn’t, but Robots goes deeper than that
Then I wrote about how Robots had affected my life and website, Setting Sun set up after I read my first issue of Robots. It encouraged me to keep on challenging, find new bands and artists to interview, but Robots goes deeper than that.

I thought about writing about the free CD and the way I always hurriedly place it in my stereo. I am not sure what I am going to get, but still keen enough to jump in and worry about the conquences later on, but Robots goes deeper than that.

Robots is more like a dear friend who you hear from, never frequently enough with all kinds of surprises, some of which you’ll love, some not’

Long may it run for another 10 years!


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