Saturday, August 13, 2005

New writing

Hi all;

This was done at my writing group in Bolton recently run by the always funny Carol Houlston where she set the following task for us to do:

Firstly, we had to write down 3 Personal Words about ourselves I wrote - Friendly, Reflective and think too deep.

Next we wrote the following words from the following 5 themes..

1. Animals - Rhyno, Bull, Fierce, Cute, Fairy, Snarling
Sneezing, Stealth, Claws, Scary, Yapping,cuddly, purring.

2. Toys - Guns, Play, Train, Dolls, Yo yos, Games, Skip,
Chalk, Skittle

3. Music - Loud, Rhythm, Melody, Jazz, Chord, Note, Beat,
Cresendo, Harmony, HipHop

4. Weather - Rain, Cloudy, Humid, Sunshine
Snow, Hail, Sleet, Fog, Drizzle,Glaze,
Dawn, Sunset

5. Trees - Leafy, Apples, Branches, Forest
Shiver, Combes, Thorns, Conker, Bark,

We had to pick out three words from each of these two sections plus the three from the first bit and start the piece off with I am...

This is what followed... Not that great, but good for a laugh...


I am a friendly, outgoing person, but
also am reflective and frequently think
too deep about things.

I like walking at sunset, but sometimes
nearer dawn but only in a reflective way.

I like standing at the edge of forests
watching rain drip from the heavens
and drop slowly from trunks and anyalise
it drop by drop, although then when the
thunder folows, it always makes me shiver.

But not as much as I hear the beat come
out of my neighbours car stereo which is
completely minus both melody and crescendo
in equal supply.

I'm not going to pretend the music I listened
to as a kid was that good, but I heard
a track on the radio the other day which was
something really crap by a guy called DJ Chalk
who did a incredibly cheesy trance song which
seemed to consist of little more than a cat purring
and somebody sneezing ontop of some rapper
who kept talking about the size of his gun.

So I've given up with music and decided to
become a train spotter.


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