Saturday, August 13, 2005

Drunken Poetry

Dear all;

Wrote these drunk last night in a goth night club - thought I would give you a LAUGH and just post them to show you what happens when I get drunk and I have a pen and paper to hand...

There are no titles for any of these so I'll just number em..


You bend your head back
and flick your hair
back in the breeze.

It is clear you know
you are beauitful
but I can't look you in the face


Feathers rattle your head
but your eyes never
leave the ground


Strange how memories plays
tricks on you.
Like a bad film,
or shadows in the distance
which for a few seconds
remind you of someone
you thought you once knew.
Strange how memories plays
tricks on you.


I'm lost for words
standing alone in a sea
of noise
trying to follow the
music of others
Alone in the noise
Alone lost in thought
Alone in company.


I'm lost for words
but I still can feel you
sighing in my arms
in the sunset
and I don't feel lost for words


Looking at your face
you remind me of a ex
with the nervous
shrung of your shoulders
the half formed smile
with your slightly crooked teethh
your nervous hazel eyes
your bleached black hair
which looks like it has
been done wrong on purpose
but then you say
"What are you looking at?"
and my illusion is ripped in half.


When you tried to kiss me
I was shocked
but not as much
you wanted to do it
in front of him.

(8) and (9) are best left in the bin....


Andy N


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