General Letter
Dear all;
I am terrible at up-dating this blogspot, as I always find by the time I get round to writing little letters my news always is out of date almost as quick as I have finished typing it.
Anyway, if you keep your eye on "Setting Sun" - you will start to notice major changes over the next month or three as I am starting to swap things round with it.
Firstly, I spent several hours over the week-end just gone actually designing an on-line shop, ( which is designed to let people hear more of the many mp3’s in my archive (I think there is over 30MB on there now and I will be expanding it soon to include more also) and also give people the opportunity if they are brave enough or indeed mad enough the chance to buy the CD’s.
The price for each CD is only going to be £2 and a little bit for postage and packaging more. If I am honest, I don’t think I will sell many if any, but that isn’t really the point behind it - I guess it is only fair it will give people the chance instead of previously denying them.
Otherwise, interviews are starting to come in thick and fast - I have recently posted online a interview with Matt Elliott (Third Eye Foundation) and Chris Cole (Manyfingers) associate and friend - Yann aka "Encre" and "Thee, Stranded Horse" who is interesting and completely different perhaps akin to Rufus Wainwright meets John Cale - check out the interviews page on
Also in process of being done, but somewhat delayed through formatting problems and also last minute editing by the band is a interview with the perhaps Queen Adreena / Babes in Toyland hardcore "Little Whores on the Piaire" - Full details to follow when this interview is posted.
Otherwise, I am working hard on my second novel "Intermission" and am 35 pages or so into the second novel. I will soon be updating the extract on my creative writing page to include the revised Chapter One, which if I don’t say so myself is so, so, so much stronger.
I have in addition have wrote a few poems, including the first draft of my Christmas Poem for this year, which yet doesn’t have a title but is proving really pleasing.
In addition, work is underway on the Christmas Album for this year.. I have finalised 5 tracks for it - Keith Hicc (My partner in D.I.H,) has done a number of solo tracks (4, I think) and they may be appearing on the album.
Otherwise, Lil Andy (the voice of M.A.N.) has done vocals for 4 tracks (and may make a guest appearance on a 5th track too), my poet friend, Anne has left me with vocals for a excellent Christmas Joke and my good buddy, Jeff aka Octave Sounds has also expressed a interest in doing backing music for at least two pieces and if we can get his microphone working also recording at least one or two sets of vocals.
Once we have finalised this, I am then hoping to crack on with several other projects including the next D.I.H album ("Suicide") which is looking good at 7 or 8 tracks, a album or a long EP by B.A.N. (M.A.N style madness from me and my pal, Helen), a solo album by Andy, my vocalist in M.A.N (He wants me to produce some of his rantings which were recorded for M.A.N tracks to be played solo) and perhaps even another album by M.A.N………. We’ll see…
Cheers - Hope you are well…….
Andy N